Learning to Serve recipients at John Milledge Academy recently served with JMA faculty and community volunteers to give Brighter Days Ministry, a new organization in Milledgeville, the home they’ve been waiting for.
“Our mission is to come alongside our neighbors, meeting them wherever they are, by extending a helping hand and sharing the love of Christ,” says Jeff Youmans, Director of Brighter Days Ministry. “Whether we are serving lunch, building wheelchair ramps or cleaning up neighborhoods, we serve wherever and whenever we are needed.”
Jeff and many others who were already involved with the ministry were grateful for the support of Learning to Serve students and faculty from JMA as they cleaned and organized the building that will serve as their new headquarters.
“It’s one thing to see a need but it’s something completely different to care enough to be a part of changing other peoples’ lives and serving others,” Jeff says. “That’s exactly what we saw in the smiles, laughter and labor of everyone involved. Thank you to everyone from Learning to Serve for getting involved!”
Mandy Hudson, Learning to Serve Director, was excited to launch a partnership with Brighter Days that she hopes will grow in the future. “We’ve been saying for years that service is an integral part of raising kids who become confident adults,” she says. “Our students have been serving in their communities throughout Georgia in many ways. But, this is the first time we’ve served side-by-side at an event like this.
“We hope this is the start of many similar events throughout the communities where Learning to Serve is making an impact.”