LTS recipients Abby and Lilly served their community on MLK’s Birthday, and ended up connecting with someone in their community in a special way….
Their mom, Katie, said this about the experience:
“When I woke them up on Monday, I was thinking that Martin Luther King, Jr would probably like it better if we celebrate his birthday by helping others than taking a day off.
So, the kids and I searched for a road near our house that was light on traffic but had a reasonable amount of trash. The kids were embarrassed at first; I even a felt a bit out of place when people stopped and waved or said thank you, but we all started feeling good about it. The girls were getting pretty excited about it.
One man stopped, rolled his window down and asked, ‘What made you do this?’ I had a lot of reasons: God, Learning to Serve, teaching my kids to have a servants’ heart, loving our neighbors, but I chose to say ‘For MLK. We are a bi-racial family.’
The man that stopped his car and his wife, who was in the car, were a bi-racial couple. We gave each other a knowing smile. He responded, ‘That says it all’ and drove away. It was really cool to feel connected.”