From a parent in Walton Co…
My son has special needs.
When he was in the public school system with an IEP, there was a lot of separation and obvious treatment differences. Big buses vs short buses, “my class” vs the “big class,” etc. He couldn’t ride big buses nor be in the big class. He naturally started to process the differences in a way that would have a negative impact.
Academically, reading was the biggest struggle and was not achieved in the public school setting after 3 long years. No amount of memorization brought him near that goal.
With the help of Learning to Serve, I was able to choose an environment that is more uniquely structured for encouraging and supporting him (and myself!) and his uniqueness (and neurotypical kids are welcome too!). It has truly been an amazing experience.
He is treated the same as every other student there with the same expectations. There are no big/small classes, or big/short buses. Their approach to academics is unparalleled. This is a K-12th grade school and all of the kids are friends with each other; age really isn’t a factor. He has also made big leaps in educational growth.
Finally, at 9 years old, and after 8 months of private school attention, he read his first sentence!! I was amazed! The difference in quality attention and educational resources is astounding. I truly feel like my child is in the care and guidance of people who care about his growth and education just as much as I do. I have already started volunteering at his school, which is a first for me :-).
Thank you so much Learning to Serve for all the amazing opportunities and options you help provide to improve the quality of many lives!!